In Between Silence (by Talia Augustidis)


Ahmad, Wasseem and Abdullah reflect on drones and silence in Gaza. 

Talia Augustidis is an award-winning audio producer, artist and community organiser based in London. Her pieces have been featured in festivals around the world, from the Lucia Festival in Florence to the Phonurgia Nova in Paris to Tribeca in New York. She runs listening events with In The Dark and writes the All Hear newsletter in collaboration with

In Between Silence was produced for Circuit 02.

Christine Koh

Christine Koh is a music and brain neuroscientist turned Internet unicorn. She's the founder of Boston Mamas, co-author of Minimalist Parenting, co-host of the Edit Your Life podcast, creative director at Women Online, and designer/co-owner of Brave New World Designs


Zephyra and the Whisper (by Jasmin Bauomy)