Soundtrack of Life (by Ray Christian)


Ray Christian’s life can be divided into three distinct chapters. Each has a unique backdrop sound that manifests calm amidst chaos, and each is deeply embedded in Ray's emotional memory.

Ray Christian is a ghetto kid, mountain man, retired Army paratrooper, Doctor of Education, Fulbright Specialist, goat wrangler, award-winning storyteller, and podcaster.

Soundtrack of Life was produced for Circuit 02.

Christine Koh

Christine Koh is a music and brain neuroscientist turned Internet unicorn. She's the founder of Boston Mamas, co-author of Minimalist Parenting, co-host of the Edit Your Life podcast, creative director at Women Online, and designer/co-owner of Brave New World Designs


Breath (by Bianca Giaever)


Zephyra and the Whisper (by Jasmin Bauomy)